
Four Very Real Potential Results of Avoiding Oil Changes

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Do you hate getting the oil changed in your car? Lots of car owners do, so you’re not alone. It takes time and it can feel like a waste of that time. But Davis & Clark Auto Repair wants you to know just what the consequences can be if you avoid oil changes on purpose.

The Engine Gives Up

The very worst-case scenario if you avoid oil changes is that the engine expires completely. That might sound extreme, but that’s how important engine oil is for your car. Without regular oil changes, your car’s engine will absolutely experience so much damage that it completely fails. That’s not only an incredibly expensive repair, it’s also completely avoidable.

Wear and Tear Increases

Once you get past the worst option, you may understand that what that means is that the engine experiences a great deal of wear and tear. That’s a problem that becomes significantly worse the less oil there is in the engine and the worse the oil quality is. Old, dirty oil is not able to properly lubricate and protect the engine, which is never something that you want to have happened for long.

Gas Mileage Gets Awful

Did you guess that all that wear and tear makes the engine run worse, too? Engine performance falls way off, and that is most visible in terms of how much gas you’re having to buy. If you’re noticing that the gas mileage in your car is terrible, double-check how long it’s been since your last oil change. It could be that you’re overdue.

The Engine Runs Too Hot

Another problem that shows up when your car’s engine is working harder than it was designed to is that it runs hotter than you’re used to seeing it run. Heat is truly a tremendous problem for your car’s engine. Even a few degrees hotter than normal for too long can cause engine parts to warp and to become damaged. Eventually, that’s part of what contributes to the damage that can lead to engine failure, and that’s a problem you want to avoid.

Davis & Clark Auto Repair in Bend, OR wants to help you keep your car’s engine in the best shape possible. That means helping you to keep up with routine maintenance, like oil changes, as well as helping with necessary repairs as they crop up. Our experienced auto technicians are here for whatever you need.

Photo by DustyPixel from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

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