
Four Ways to Keep up with Your Tires

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Tires are expensive, so if there’s a way to make sure that they last as long as they should, that only helps you. Here’s what Davis & Clark Auto Repair recommends for ensuring that your tires have a long and healthy life.

Set Aside Time to Look at the Tires and the Tread

Just by looking at your car’s tires, you can solve a lot of potential issues. When you look at your tires regularly, particularly at the tread, you can start to see small changes. That means that it’s a lot easier to notice when you’ve got uneven tread wear or other issues starting to become apparent. It only takes a few minutes, and if you’re doing this every week or every other week, it pays off.

Check the Tire Pressure Yourself

While you’re inspecting your tires, take some time to check the tire pressure, too. If you’re not sure what the correct pressure should be, check the sticker on the inside of the driver’s side door frame. The same information is also in the owner’s manual. You can wait until the TPMS lets you know that the pressure is low, but by then the pressure has been low for longer than you think.

Drive Mindfully

Mindfulness is important in every aspect of your life, but it can really pay off when you’re driving. How does the car feel? Is it handling any differently than it usually does? Because you drive your car often, you are the perfect person to notice even the tiniest differences. Don’t discount that, because it can help you to spot issues with your tires and with other car systems a lot faster.

Get Wheel Services Done Regularly

You should never skip tire rotations, wheel balancing, and wheel alignments. These three services are crucial for maintaining the life of your car’s tires. Each of them helps in a slightly different way, but they all protect your tire tread and ensure that your tires are getting the best possible connection with the road. This helps with handling just as much as it helps with making your tires last as long as they can.

Davis & Clark Auto Repair in Bend, OR can help you with all of your tire maintenance needs. Give us a call today and we’ll set up an appointment to inspect your tires, balance your wheels, or help you to find the perfect set of new tires for your car.

Photo by Marcus Millo from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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