
How Can You Tell You’ve Got Tire Trouble?

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Your car’s tires are what keep you rolling so you need to make sure that they’re in good shape. These tips from Davis & Clark Auto Repair can help you to stay on top of what’s going on with your car’s tires.

Your Car Isn’t Handling Well

When your tires aren’t doing well, your car won’t handle as well, either. That’s because the tires are in direct contact with the road and how they roll translates up through the suspension and steering systems to the steering wheel in your hands. If you’re having handling issues ranging from vibrations to pulling or other issues, start with your tires.

You’ve Got Uneven or Excessive Tread Wear

Excessive tread wear or uneven tread wear are both big problems for your car’s tires. Over time, your tire treads are going to wear down. That’s just the nature of the beast when it comes to tires. If you’re seeing more than you expect, though, then something may be causing that to happen. The issue might be a fixable one, either by correcting alignment issues or balance issues.

There Are Other Signs of Possible Tire Damage

It’s not just the tread that can present problems for your car’s tires. The sidewall takes a bit of abuse, too. Also, if your tire’s valve stems become loose or develop issues, you may end up losing air more often. It’s a good idea to periodically take a closer look at the whole tire, tread and sidewall included, so you can see if there’s any damage that might need repair.

You’re Putting Air in the Tires More Often

Everything else with your car’s tires may look perfect, but you could still have to put air in the tires more often than usual. If you’re doing this, that’s a sign that you might need to get your tires inspected. Low air pressure is bad for your car’s tires and your car’s engine. And it also means that something isn’t right somewhere, whether it’s a problem with the valve stems or you’ve got a slow leak elsewhere in the tire.

Give us a call today at Davis & Clark Auto Repair in Bend, OR if you’ve got issues with your tires. We can take a closer look and let you know exactly what your tires need, whether that’s a simple repair that we can handle for you or a new set of tires.

Photo by Leo Cardelli from Pexels via Canva Pro

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